Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month takes place in July.

Minority Mental Health Month is dedicated to creating awareness and discussion about mental health in minority communities to increase their access to mental health care and treatment. We know mental illness affects everyone. As a result, this blog focuses on equality among mental health care in several minority groups.

Facts About Minority Mental Health

Here are 10 facts about Minority Mental Health to get you thinking:

  • Teenage Latinas are more likely to die by suicide than African American and white, non-Hispanic female students.
  • Less than 1 in 11 Latinos with mental disorders contact mental health care specialists.
  • In 2009, suicide was the second leading cause of death for American Indian/Alaska Natives between the ages of 10 and 34.
  • LGBTQ+ youth are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide compared to their straight peers.
  • Native American males ages 15-24 account for 64 percent of all suicides among Native Americans.
  • Among women aged 15-24, Asian American females have the highest suicide rates across all racial/ethnic groups.
  • In a 2006 study, the third leading cause of death for African Americans ages 15-19 is suicide.
  • Only 1 out of 3 African Americans who need mental health care receive it.
  • In 2012, 14 percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives age 18-plus had co-occurring mental and substance use disorders.
  • Treating people affected mental health issues greatly reduces these numbers, and create happier, healthier communities.

(The Mighty)

Members of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities, and other minority groups often face disproportionate inequities in care, support or mental health services in this country. Systemic racism and historical barriers and inequities have left particular ethnic, racial and minority populations facing trauma, loss, bias, and social disparities. In addition, other unique challenges that have gone unsupported and largely unaddressed.

Raise Awareness With Lime Green Ribbons during Minority Mental Health Month

During Minority Mental Health Month, we are committed to raising awareness about this disparity by calling out the need for work with diverse communities, organizations and policy makers to ensure that mental health resources that are culturally relevant are equitably available across the nation.

Raise awareness for minority mental health with the lime green ribbon. Personalized Cause offers personalized lime green ribbons, lime green fabric ribbons, and lime green KNOW MORE silicone wristbands.

#fridakahlo #minoritymentalhealthmonth #minority #africanamerican #latinoamericano #asianamerican #nativeamerican #mentalhealth #mentalillness #depression #anxiety

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