The following causes are associated with imprinted, personalized blue fabric awareness ribbons:
Blue Awareness Causes: A through N
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndromes / ARDS
- Aicardi Goutieres Syndrome
- Alexander Disease
- Alopecia Areata
- Anal Cancer
- Angelman Syndrome
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Anthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
- Antisynthetase Syndrome
- Apraxia
- Arthritis
- At Risk Youth
- Ataxia Telangiectasia
- Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy
- Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy
- Autonomic Dysfunction
- Back Pain
- Bullying
- Bursitis
- Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
- CHARGE Syndrome
- Child Abuse / Child Neglect
- Child Exploitation – (Alternate Color: White)
- Child Labor
- Chondromalacia Patella
- Chronic Epstein Barr Virus
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / CFS
- Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
- Coffin Siris Syndrome
- Colon Cancer, Adult
- Colon Cancer, Childhood – (Alternate Color: Gold)
- Colorectal Cancer, Adult
- Colorectal Cancer, Childhood – (Alternate Color: Gold)
- Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy
- Cri du Chat Syndrome
- Crime Victims’ Rights
- Cryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndromes – (Alternate Color: Orange)
- Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
- Dandy Walker Malformations / Dandy Walker Syndrome – (Alternate Color: Blue Jeans)
- Dermatomyositis, Adult
- Dermatomyositis, Childhood – (Alternate Color: Gold)
- Dysautonomia
- Dyspraxia
- Dystonia
- Education
- Enthesis
- Enthesitis
- Enthesitis Related Arthritis
- Epstein Barr Virus / EBV
- Equal Access to Education
- Erb’s Palsy
- Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
- Familial Dysautonomia
- Fibromuscular Dysplasia
- Fibrous Dysplasia
- Fifth Disease
- First Responders
- Free Speech
- Freedom of the Press
- Gout
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Handwashing
- Histiocytosis
- Human Slavery
- Human Trafficking
- Huntington’s Disease
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydrocephaly
- Hypotension
- Ichthyosis
- Inclusion Body Myositis
- Infant Airway Defects
- Infectious Arthritis
- Intestinal Malrotation
- Invisible Disabilities
- Juvenile Arthritis / JA
- Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Juvenile Myositis
- Klinefelter Syndrome / 47,XXY
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis / LCH
- Laryngomalacia
- Leukodystrophy
- Malaria
- McCune Albright Syndrome
- Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
- Misophonia
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME / CFIDS
- Myositis / Polymyositis / Dermatomyositis
- Neurocardiogenic Syncope / Vasovagal Syncope
Blue Awareness Causes: O through Z
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Paget’s Disease of the Bone
- Palindromic Rheumatism
- Panhypopituitarism
- Paralysis
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases (Alternate Color: Purple and Blue)
- Polymyositis
- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome / POTS
- Pseudogout
- Reactive Arthritis
- Rectal Cancer
- Reiter’s Syndrome / Reactive Arthritis
- Restless Legs Syndrome / RLS
- Reye Syndrome
- Rheumatism – (Alternate Color: Purple and Blue)
- Save The Music In Our Schools
- Save The Waves
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Sex Slavery / Sex Trafficking
- Short Bowel Syndrome
- Sperm and Testicular Autoimmunity
- Spinal Stenosis – (Alternate Color: Cream)
- Spondylitis
- Spondyloarthritis
- Spondyloarthropathy / Spondyloarthrosis
- Stevens Johnson Syndrome
- Surfriders
- Syringomyelia
- Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Targeted Individuals of Bullying / Harassment / Stalking
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Tendinitis
- Transverse Myelitis
- Trash Free Seas
- Treacher Collins Syndrome
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Unidentified Missing Persons
- Usher Syndrome
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction
- Water Safety
Custom Imprinted Awareness Ribbons for Events
Custom imprinted fabric awareness ribbons are perfect for large events. The more you order, the bigger your impact will be. Imprinted blue fabric awareness ribbons are perfect for social and political rallies, in medical offices and hospitals during awareness months, and even in department stores during sponsored awareness raising events. Other ideas include fun runs, walks, and races. Custom imprinted blue fabric awareness ribbons are perfect for non-profit events.
Because these personalized blue fabric awareness ribbons are a custom order, it’s important to order approximately 4 to 6 weeks in advance of your event. This allows enough time for art approval, production and shipping. Please note that due to the nature of custom orders, personalized ribbon orders cannot be cancelled or refunded. We are happy to provide help during the artwork approval process so that your ribbons are perfect for your fundraising or awareness event.
Personalized blue fabric awareness ribbons are a great way to raise awareness and to add a special touch to your charity’s awareness month observance. We also offer non-personalized blue fabric ribbons if you need them sooner.
Blue Fabric Custom Imprinted Awareness Ribbons | 250 Cloth Ribbons – Product Specs
Please allow four-six weeks from the date of order until delivery. It may be faster, but we ask that you plan ahead. These blue ribbons are custom made.
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