Children's Eye Health and Safety Month, observed in August and sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, encourages parents to take children for an eye examination as part of their back to school check list. Child Eye Health and Safety Month, in addition to immunizations and school orientations, highly recommends a child receive an eye examination…
Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month, otherwise known as gastroparesis, is observed in July and sponsored by the Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatments, Inc. Symptoms of gastroparesis can impair quality of life and well-being. The severity of gastroparesis ranges from being uncomfortable to debilitating, and in some cases life-threatening. Digestive Tract Paralysis Awareness Month is…
Gastroparesis Awareness Month, otherwise known as Digestive Tract Paralysis, is observed in August and sponsored by the Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatments, Inc. Gastroparesis Awareness Month is a time to focus attention on important health messages about gastroparesis diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life issues. Gastroparesis Awareness Month goals include improving understanding of gastroparesis…
National Breastfeeding Month is observed in August. National Breastfeeding Month brings attention to the benefits of breastfeeding and supports and encourages mothers to achieve their breastfeeding goals. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthy mothers exclusively breastfeed (providing no other food or liquid) to their infants for the first six months of life. In addition, as…
National Immunization Awareness Month, observed in August and sponsored by the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a great time to raise awareness about vaccines and share strategies to increase immunization rates within your community.
Psoriasis Awareness Month is observed in August and sponsored by the National Psoriasis Foundation. Psoriasis Awareness Month is a time to increase awareness of psoriasis, promote the need for a cure after a psoriasis diagnosis, and spur advocacy on behalf of those suffering with the emotional and physical burden of psoriasis. Psoriasis Awareness Month calls attention to…
Summer Sun Safety Month, observed in August, encourages you to enjoy your summer, but take precautions to avoid overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. And if you notice anything unusual on your skin, see your provider. Summer Sun Safety Month reminds us that skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s not a surprise that skin…
National Blood Cancer Awareness Month occurs in September, and was designated by the United States Congress in 2010. Approximately every 3 minutes, one person in the United States is diagnosed with a blood cancer. That means around 14,000 patients will receive this diagnosis during September, Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Blood Cancer Awareness Month increases awareness about all…
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is observed during September and sponsored by the American Childhood Cancer Organization National Office. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is observed by families, caregivers, charities and research groups across the United States. In the United States, 15,780 children under the age of 21 are diagnosed with cancer every year; approximately one quarter of…
Fruits and Veggies - More Matters Month is observed during the month of September. Fruits and Veggies - More Matters Month reminds us all to engage in healthy eating and encourages communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved. Fruits and Veggies - More Matters Month is a time to remember that eating fruits and vegetables has…
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month is observed during the month of September. Gynecologic cancers encompass all cancers of the female reproductive system, including the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vulva, and vagina. All women are at risk for these cancers. Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month is a perfect time to encourage women to learn more about cancers of the…
Healthy Aging Month, celebrated in September and sponsored by the American Academy of Opthalmology, is an annual observance designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. Healthy Aging Month highlights the month's mission which is to encourage local level Healthy Aging events that promote taking personal responsibility for one’s health - physically,…
National Hunger Action Month takes place in September. Hunger is an issue spread throughout the world, impacting billions. Your neighbors, your community members, and your co-workers could be affected. Hunger affects a large percentage of people within the U.S. For 1 in 6 Americans, hunger is a reality. Many people believe that the problems associated…
Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month is observed in September. According to the Interstitial Cystitis Network, as many as one out of every 26 people in the United States right now may be living with symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis. Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month calls attention to this condition that is not well known by many. Also known as Bladder…
National Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month takes place during the month of September. As the month of September brings leukemia and lymphoma into focus, it is time to increase public understanding of these diseases, including their prevalence, approaches to screening and prevention, treatment options, and resources that offer updated leukemia and lymphoma information throughout the year.…
National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month is observed in September and sponsored by the American Foundation for Women's Health. Atrial Fibrillation, also known as AFib or AF, is the most common arrhythmia. National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month raises awareness that AFib is characterized by a rapid and irregular heartbeat caused when the top chambers of the heart (the…
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month is observed in September and sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine. National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month raises awareness about the obesity epidemic and shows people how they can take steps toward a solution. One in three children in the United States is overweight or obese. Childhood obesity puts kids…
National Cholesterol Education Month is observed during September. During this month, it is a good time to get your blood cholesterol checked and take steps to lower it if it is high. National Cholesterol Education Month is also a good time to learn about lipid profiles and about food and lifestyle choices that help you reach personal…
National Food Safety Education Month takes place in September and is sponsored by the Partnership for Food Safety Education. National Food Safety Education Month was created in 1994 to heighten the awareness of food safety education. Each year, National Food Safety Education Month features a new theme for the restaurant and foodservice industry to help reinforce proper…
National Hunger Awareness Month is observed in September. Hunger is complex and often misunderstood. In the United States hunger is neither caused by overall food shortages nor by the personal choices of hungry people. Hunger in America is about poverty and the social forces that create and sustain it. The U.S. is the wealthiest country in…
National ITP Awareness Month is observed in September. National ITP Awareness Month and its sponsors strive to increase the public’s understanding of ITP and other platelet disorders, let patients and their families know that there are resources and support available to help them have the best possible outcomes, and that they are not alone. Sponsors offer a…
National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month is observed in September and sponsored by the National Pediculosis Association, Inc. The goal of this awareness month is to help families and communities control head lice without exposing themselves and their environment to pesticides and other toxic chemicals. National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month calls awareness to…
National Preparedness Month is observed in September. Launched in 2004, National Preparedness Month is FEMA’s national annual preparedness outreach. NPM is managed and sponsored by FEMA’s Ready Campaign. The Ready Campaign, in conjunction with the Ad Council, aims to educate and empower Americans during National Preparedness Month and throughout the year to prepare for and respond…
National Recovery Month, observed in September and sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can help those with a mental health and/or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life. National Recovery…
National Sickle Cell Month is observed in September. National Sickle Cell Month raises awareness that sickle cell disease affects people of many racial and ethnic groups. In addition, more than 2 million people carry the sickle cell gene that allows them to potentially pass the disease on to their children. National Sickle Cell Month educates the public…
National Yoga Awareness Month is observed in September and sponsored by the Yoga Health Foundation. What better month than September is there to incorporate a new, healthy habit into your life? National Yoga Awareness Month raises awareness that there is research being conducted about the effect of yoga on our bodies. As physicians start to incorporate preventive…
Newborn Screening Awareness Month is observed in September. Newborn Screening Awareness Month raises awareness that newborn screening is a public health program that tests spots of blood from all newborns for certain conditions that are not noticeable at the time of birth, but that can cause serious disability or even death if not treated quickly. Infants with…
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is observed in September. Ovarian Cancer is one of the most deadly women's cancers. Each year, approximately 21,980 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer typically occurs in women in their fifties and sixties. Many women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer have a genetic history that may include carrying…
Pain Awareness Month is observed in September. In 2011, a coalition of groups and organizations established September as a month to recognize the chronic pain community. Pain Awareness Month increases awareness about how pain affects families, communities, the nation and the individual while also educating caregivers and healthcare professionals about various treatment options available to pain…
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month, observed in September, seeks to increase public knowledge and understanding about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and help those diagnosed with their symptoms. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month is a time to increase awareness of PCOS, the need for a cure, and spur advocacy on behalf of those suffering with the…
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is observed in September. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month brings prostate cancer into focus, and increases public understanding of the disease, including its prevalence, approaches to screening and prevention, treatment options, and resources that offer updated prostate cancer information throughout the year. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month educates the public that prostate cancer is the…
Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month is observed in September. The Rheumatic Disease Awareness campaign is an effort to increase public understanding and awareness of the symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, personal and economic impact, and the lifestyle and healthcare challenges associated with rheumatic diseases. With rheumatic diseases now regarded as the nation’s leading cause of disability, affecting…
Sepsis Awareness Month is observed in September. In 2011, Sepsis Alliance recognized that more attention could be drawn to sepsis and sepsis awareness if there were a specific month dedicated to the cause. Sepsis Awareness Month allows for organizations and facilities to organize activities for their staff, and for Sepsis Alliance supporters to make a concentrated effort…
Sexual Health Awareness Month, observed in September and sponsored by the American Sexual Health Association is dedicated to promoting knowledge about topics like sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex, and sexual assault. Sexual Health Awareness Month aims to inform the public about sex while diminishing the stigma that often surrounds sexual issues.
Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month, observed during September and sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, is the time to raise awareness about eye safety. Eye injuries suffered while participating in recreational sports are a leading cause of eye-related visits to emergency rooms. Permanent, significant visual loss can occur from these injuries. Sports Eye Safety…
National Suicide Awareness Month month is observed in September. Also known as Suicide Prevention Month, the month focuses the discussion on depression, mental health, and the need to speak up if you have suicidal thoughts. National Suicide Awareness Month reminds us that everyone is affected by suicide, not just the victim. Suicide impacts family and friends long…
Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is observed during the month of September. Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month promotes thyroid cancer awareness for early detection, as well as care based on expert standards, and increased research to achieve cures for all thyroid cancer. Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month reminds us that every time you look in the mirror, a key to…
Whole Grains Month is observed in September and sponsored by the Whole Grains Council. Whole Grains Month is a great time to get on the whole grains bandwagon. Eating better is not an all-or-nothing choice. Every positive change one makes in his or her diet has the potential to improve overall health.
World Alzheimer's Month is observed in September. This international campaign raises awareness and challenges the stigma that surrounds dementia. World Alzheimer's Month was launched in 2012. World Alzheimer's Day is observed on September 21 each year. According to research, two out of every three people globally believe there is little or no understanding of dementia in their…